1st Level Senior Associate
You become a 1st level Senior Associate when you activate your next year’s website $350 in advance until on active Q-5 auto order.
As a 4 month Junior Associate, You’ll still need to activate your next year’s website $350 in advance. All business centers stay in the holding tank until they become 2nd level qualified.
After qualified, You’ll get 5 new Senior Associates from the 6th team pool team for every 5th Q.S.B. Senior Associate you sign up for your Q-5 team.
Customer download sales are at 25% at this level. You’ll be 1st level qualified when you sign-up your first 4 Sr. A.D’s. into your team. Bonuses are split with Sr. Associate up-line for Senior Associate at Levels (4) and (5) for qualification and other qualifying ranks.
After qualified with 4 active Senior Associate you personally signed up, and after 2nd level qualified when the first 4 active Senior Associate in your team become 1st level qualified, and you order 2 more (Dwl’s) within 4 months of each other to become a Royal Director and pay for the next years maintenance fee for your website store online, you’ll be able to receive infinity bonuses.
Your store website customer download sales do not count for level upgrades or rank advancements. Only opt-in director distributors, and your active opt-in sign-up downloads start date, quick start, and earned store website downloads from split sign-ups, and earned store website downloads from your down-line team as they advance in rank as long as they don’t advance pass you count for level upgrades, not auto order.
Split sign-ups are the only exception, (they can pass you up in rank and you’ll still get the download credits towards your back office rank advancements, but will not be applied until 30 days after 2nd level qualified).
No paid commissions on centers that move above you. Only split sign-ups are banked on centers below or above yours, but not accessed until 2nd level qualified for level upgrades.